
In the Memory of Robert Schumann
2010/12/01 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



This year is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Robert Schumann, an influential composer and music critic of the Romantic era. To commemorate his work and talent, a Russian pianist, who is a renowned interpreter of Schumann's work, is holding a solo recital in Taiwan.

With a bright smile, Russian pianist Elisso Virsaladze has yet to get over her jet lag from traveling so far, but she still is able to perform a quick Chopin's Mazurka, though her first love is Robert Schumann's music. She is known as the world's best interpreter of Schumann's work.

At the age of 24, she won a Schumann competition, and from there, worked on a program including Prokofiev and Chopin. She has a broad and diverse repertoire and is a well-known international performer.

Currently she is with the Moscow Academy of Music and the Munich Conservatory as a Professor of Piano, leading students to top performances in international competitions.

In 2006, she came with the the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra on her first visit to Taiwan. And 4 years later, she is in Taiwan again, this time celebrating the 200th anniversary of the birth of Schumann.

She will perform many of his work including Scenes from Childhood, "Fantasy for Piano," and "Fantasie C-Dur."

Her sensitive nature allows her to capture this elusive Schumann and introduce his work to all Taiwan's music lovers.

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關鍵字Chopin's Mazurka ROBERT Schumann 200th anniversary of The birth SOLO recital Russian pianist Elisso Virsaladze
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