
Twn Youth's Worrying Reading Skills
2010/12/10 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



In previous news, we talked about how Taiwanese students have dropped 7 places when it comes to performances in reading, math, and science, now, a magazine survey reveals that in reality, more than 80 percent of children actually like to read. The "test overload" and the pressure from schools are the reasons to blame.

According to Education, Parenting, Family Lifestyle magazines survey, over 81% of the junior high school students said that they actually like reading while 90% of them said they would be happy to receive books as gifts.

However, with the pressure of tests for getting into a good high school, there are 6% of teachers who would discourage students in the 9th grade from reading extracurricular materials.

The education system is still stressing memorization while discouraging reading ability, no wonder students in Taiwan's performance dropped 7 places in the 2010 Program for International Student Assessment Test.

There are some schools which put emphasis on reading and would arrange morning reading session for students.

Some scholars pointed out that, it is not just reading in Chinese class, but teachers should use all opportunities to cultivate students in logic, reasoning and other abilities so they can extract knowledge and information on their own from all materials.

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關鍵字Youth's Worrying reading Skills Taiwanese students read education
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