
Hu Honors Taichung Athletes
2010/12/11 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台中縣報導



In the recently concluded Asian Games, as many as 21 medals, seven of them gold, are won by athletes from the greater Taichung area. Earlier this week mayor Jason Hu awarded each of them a Municipal Medal of Honor in recognition of their achievements. But beneath the celebratory mood, these players' concerns about their career prospects were evident.

Taekwondo athlete Huang Hsian-yung won a gold medal in the Asian Games in Guangzhou for Chinese Taipei.

Today he was presented the medal of honor by Taichung mayor Jason Hu.

Despite his great achievement for the national team, the athlete is not so confident about his future.

Gold medalists in the soft tennis group category, Liu Jia-lun and Lin Din-jun were also recipients of the medals.

Since the Olympic Games don't include soft tennis as an official sport.

Winning the gold medal in the Asian Games is the peak for their career.

But since athletic careers are remarkably short-lived, they are very worried about what they can do in the future.

Athletes from Taichung County and City took 7 out of the 21 medals earned by Chinese Taipei at the Guangzhou Asian Games, which is a great achievement. But after the games, they are more concerned with future career development.

The current environment has limited number of sports faculty and the cap would only be adjusted after the merger and upgrade of County and City.

Because of the uncertainty and the poor sports environment in Taiwan, seeking a career abroad has also become an option.

Therefore, it is even more difficult for the country to keep top athletes around.

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關鍵字Asian Games athletes Taichung JASON Hu Municipal medal of Honor achievement Huang Hsian-yung Taekwondo Liu Jia-lun LIN Din-jun
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