
Passport Application Mania
2010/12/12 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



And the upcoming centennial has also created a boom in passport applications and renewals. But it's not because many people are suddenly planning overseas trips for next year. In fact, they simply want their new passports to be issued on the special day of January First, 2011.

It is essential to sing the national anthem while raising the national flag on New Year's Day of Taiwan's 100th year.

At the same time, honored guards and a marching band accompany a giant Taiwanese flag to welcome the 100th year anniversary of Taiwan.

In addition, a joint wedding of 100 couples will take place on New Year's Day.

Several events are taking place on New Year's Day of Taiwan's 100th year.

Another activity going on at this time is the issuing of Taiwan's 100th year passports.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is holding a passport application process, and many parents have lined up to apply for a passport for their children.

In order to get a rare edition of the 100th Taiwan year passports, these parents have to personally apply for their children.

The passport itself is not only a souvenir, the set comes with a passport sleeve with 100th year seal.

The passport is similar to passports with IC chips, but would be even more special if obtained on January 1, 2011.

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關鍵字Passport application Mania overseas Trips NEW Year's DAY Taiwan's 100th year Taiwanese flag The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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