
Ugly Meter Under Attack
2010/10/24 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



An iPhone application has caused quite a controversy by telling users how ugly they are through an analysis of headshots. Critics in the U.S. worry that the tool may be abused by cyberbullies, and a social group in Taiwan also condemns it for distorting public values by making fun of people's appearances.

iPhone application "Ugly Meter" analyzes the symmetry of submitted faces and gives faces a rating of one to ten, with one being "not ugly" and ten being "You're so ugly, when you walk by the bathroom, the toilet flushes."

The app gives actor Tony Leung a rating of 8.6 and says that Leung's face is so ugly that it would make a baby cry.

Different pictures of Lin Chi-ling, meanwhile, yield ratings of 0 and 10 and a "Your face could turn milk into yogurt just by looking at it" message.

The Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation recently spoke out against the app, saying that people should not be judged on their physical appearance, and that everyone should receive equal opportunities and fair treatment regardless of appearance.

The Foundation has asked Apple to remove the application from its iTunes store.

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關鍵字ugly METER under Attack IPHONE application The Sunshine social welfare Foundation
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