
Children Feel the Wealth Gap Too
2010/12/12 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



As the wealth gap in Taiwan keeps widening, children are also feeling the effects intensely. According to a survey conducted by the Child Welfare League Foundation, one out of two children in remote areas says that other people are living a better life. And around 20 percent of them can't even afford to pay for their lunch and tuition fees.

Although Taiwan is quite small, some areas do not have sufficient educational resources as they are remotely located. Even children in these areas believe that they are not as fortunate as others.

According to the survey by Child Welfare League Foundation, more than 50% of children in remote areas believe that others are living a better life.

The percentage is way higher than that of children living in cities, which was 36%.

Children in remote areas are facing financial difficulties.

The survey shows that one in every three kids in remote areas is from a financially disadvantaged family.

When the prevalence rate of computer has exceeded 70%, more than half of children in remote areas lack of computer and internet.

Their average height is also 4 centimeters shorter than kids growing up in cities.

The only good thing is that they have better vision.

Social welfare groups urge the public to extend a helping hand and help these kids to overcome poverty.

For children in remote areas, most of them want to work in show business to earn a fortune. Other dream jobs include policemen and nurses.

The percentage of kids growing up in cities and wishing to become doctors, scientists and entrepreneurs is way higher.

Social groups believe that we need to give all the children an opportunity to equal education and encourage them to pursue their dreams.

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關鍵字children feel The Wealth GAP Too Child welfare League Foundation TAIWAN Keeps widening educational
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