
Food Combines Stomachs And Hearts
2010/12/13 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Some may think it's difficult for a Taiwanese mother-in-law to get along with a foreign bride from Vietnam. But it doesn't hold true in this one case. The two have truly found a common bond in food making, which has brought them to the throne of a Hakka cooking competition.

As a surprise, their story will also be turned into a TV show.

This Hakka grandmother meets this Vietnamese bride as these two cultures meet within this family in Taiwan.

The mother-in-law is patient as she takes time to carefully communicate with this bride as the two develop a relationship that first develops in the kitchen.

It is here that they are initially connected and find a common language.

Both have shown an interest in Hakka cuisine and have even taken first place in last year's international section of the Hakka creative cooking competition.

In Taiwan for ten years, there is no tension in their relationship.

Her husband also jokes that he has been happy that his grandmother's Hakka dishes have been reinterpreted by his wife.

This has led to other dishes as well as a happier and well integrated family.

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關鍵字Taiwanese mother-in-law Foreign bride Vietnam food Making Hakka creative cooking competition
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