
Debates Over Social Housing
2010/12/14 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin held a meeting on Sunday with residents of Songshan and Wanhua districts, where selected sites of the social housing project are located. And during the meeting, although some people voiced their support for the plan, most expressed their disapproval, which prompted Hau to promise that no construction work will start without the backing of local communities.

Filling with hundreds of people, this is the first meeting for the social housing plan in Taipei City.

However, it seems opinions vary and many people object to the social housing plan.

Mayor Hau Lung-bin also attends this meeting and hopes to understand the people's concerns, such as affecting the house price in the area and crime rate.

Mayor Hau emphasized that these social housing will be planned and designed well, and hopes that the locals would support it.

At the same time, Hau also said that if the final answer is still no, then the plan won't be executed.

This is one of the sites designated for social housing - Baoching Section, which is planned to build 692 apartments.

But the neighbors seem to have voiced their objections through these white banners.

Even though this plan has been passed by the government, Hau promised that if the locals' final decision is not to build these houses, then it won't happen, and he himself will communicate and report this to the central government.

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關鍵字Debates over social housing Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin Songshan Wanhua Districts social housing project
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