
Bargain Hunters Crowded It Month
2010/12/14 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The Taipei IT Month exhibition came to an end on Sunday, attracting last-minute shoppers to the event. Although the most eye-catching gadget, the tablet PC, was completely sold out, digital cameras and smart phones still remained as the hottest sellers this year. If you missed out on that, there's another exhibition coming up in central and southern Taiwan.

The 7-inch tablet pc is the most popular product in this year's IT month exhibition, as users can browse the Internet, watch video, process documents and even make phone calls with finger touch.

According to the retailers, such pc has been sold out in Taiwan since the IT month exhibition began 9 days ago.

The product came with a price tag of 15,000 NTD and more than 5,000 models have been sold.

Many other 3C retailers throw in additional giveaways to promote products, such as the Digital Single Lens Camera, which is shockproof with 3.8 optical zoom lens.

More than 100 cameras were sold in a day.

The last day of the event coincided with a Sunday and since the weather was quite nice, the visitor number exceeded 850,000 in the nine days.

Generally speaking, the sales volume has been up by 10 to 20% than the same period last year.

After the event concluded in Taipei, it will continue on in central and southern Taiwan.

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關鍵字Bargain hunters Crowded IT Month The Taipei IT Month exhibition remained as The Hottest sellers eye-catching gadget tablet PC, sold Out Digital cameras
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