
Loving It by the Ladies
2010/11/26 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



One restaurant is getting attention from us for being creative. By coming up with the fruit tea hot pot, the boss says that roses and chrysanthemums are added in the tea-based soup, to spice up the flavor. And instead of using vegetables, fruits are thrown in for a sweet taste. Ladies, you can have the whole pot to yourself without worrying about having to starve for your next meal, because the entire entree is well under 350 calories.

The fruit infused tea hotpot is fragrant with floral aroma. The clear amber color soup is clear to the bottom with citrus peels, pineapple slices and apple in the black tea soup base.

Thinly sliced pork is blenched in the soup for a few seconds to seal in the natural juices of the meat with the tea soup, which is not greasy tasting.

The special black tea hotpot is the favorite of female customers for many of them are watching their figures.

Besides Taiwan black tea, other secret ingredients are the seasonal fruits, rose and chrysanthemums for that added layer of flavor.

Served with sponge gourd, apple and green leafy vegetables, the pot is merely 334 calories, even with sliced lean pork added to it.

The special tea hotpot is not only popular in winter season, but it has been sold year round for the past ten years already.

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關鍵字Loving IT by The Ladies tea-based soup Roses chrysanthemums under calories
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