
It Is Safe to Consume Beef?
2010/12/10 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Following the previous story, you are now probably wondering if it is safe to consume beef. The Department of Health is telling you not to worry, because regular inspections are done on the imported beef, with the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine assuring the public that mad-cow disease has never been found in locally grown cows.

Since the ban on U.S. beef import has been removed conditionally, the import volume of U.S. beef products has been around 1,015 tons as of the end of November.

The government only allows the entry of U.S. bone-in beef from cattle younger than 30 months; it still bans ground beef and offal.

The retail channels are limited to hotels and three major hypermarts in Taiwan.

In light of the first death case in Taiwan, the Ministry of Health says it will enhance the inspection effort on U.S. beef products.

Besides that, the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine under Ministry of Agriculture will keep monitoring the conditions of local cows.

Currently, Taiwan has 150,000 cows.

The inspection priority would focus on sick cows and cows to be sent to slaughterhouses.

Although Taiwan qualifies as a controlled risk country for mad cow disease, the bureau cannot be too careful when dealing with related issues.

According to the bureau, the country is fully equipped with facilities such as grinders and mobile incinerators to ensure the affected cows are properly handled, leaving no risks behind.

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關鍵字IT IS Safe TO Consume beef The department of health The Bureau of animal and plant health inspection Mad-cow disease
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