
New Health Insurance Plan
2010/12/18 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The latest version of the National Health Insurance Reform plan by the Ministry of Health has changed the way of calculating basic premium, but it was still criticized as a "poorly assembled policy" by civil groups, who are asking the authorities to hold related discussions in public hearings rather than behind closed doors.

After several different drafts to change the second generation of the national health insurance, a decision was made on Thursday be Health Minister Yaung Chi Liang after negotiation with many KMT lawmakers to keep denouncing the original 6 categories and 14 items, in addition, the premium is going to be based on total personal income, including capital gains, interest, commissions, high monetary reward and rental incomes while a 2% subsidy charge will be added.

The new policy was criticized by many civic groups as a combinations of past old policies, saying that, originally, second generation of health insurance was supposed to be based on household total income in combination with income tax, base on total income tax to calculate the premium, however, the Ministry of Finance is saying that it has difficulty executing it.

The new version was made even more complicated and even harder to calculate than second-generation insurance plan.

Many civic groups are asking Executive Yuan and the Health bureau to discuss all possible plans and their impacts on the table and not just make decisions behind closed doors, hoping for a plan that everyone can accept

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關鍵字national health Insurance reform plan Ministry of health calculating Basic Premium Civil groups poorly assembled policy
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