
Demand for Fair Treatment
2010/12/18 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



A group of foreign laborers in Taiwan gathered in front of the Presidential Building on Friday to protest the government's flawed policies that subject them to exploitation by unscrupulous agents and employers. And they asked the authorities to reexamine the policy and protect their basic rights.

Ms Nguyan came to Taiwan from Vietnam as a caretaker under a three-year contract but was taken away by the labor agent after just two years because the agent wanted to earn another fee by introduce a new caretaker to her employer.

She then ran away because her family borrowed US$2,000 to send her to Taiwan.

Lilia of the Philippines is under the care of the CLA as a foreign labor who has been abused, however, her employer claimed that she ran away and the immigration bureau is treating her as an illegal worker.

The situation showed how two governmental agencies don't look at the same thing eye to eye.

The foreign labors arrived at the Presidential office on Friday morning, protesting against the government for using monetary reward as policy to encourage citizens to report to authorities of any known run away foreign workers, instead of facing the roots of the problem that the foreign labor situation in Taiwan is a ridiculous condition and an unfair one.

The Taiwan Immigrant workers union pointed out that, the current policy treats run away foreign workers like criminals, forcing them to hide or be controlled by labor agencies.

They asked the government to allow them the right to freely change employers and lift the criminal charges on run away foreign labors, in addition, asking to include them in basic labor insurance plan to give them a safer environment to work in.

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關鍵字group of Foreign laborers Presidential building Protest government's flawed policies Unscrupulous Agents employers
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