
Health Hazard of Improper Bag-carrying
2010/12/19 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



In health news, it has been observed that many Taiwanese women have suffered from tendonitis in the forearm, which medical experts think may be linked to an improper way of carrying heavy bags.

It's common to see housewives in the market with several bags of groceries and food hanging off their forearms.

In addition to balancing too much weight on one side, some women have to carry their kid around when they shop.

No wonder many of them experience shoulder and arm soreness.

Doctors said that overloading your forearm or fingers with heavy bags, especially those plastic ones that are commonly used in the markets, will cause tendon injuries and even body sourness.

To prevent injuries, experts suggest that people should carry bags with their shoulders instead of carrying heavy loads with fingers, forearms, or elbows.

Also, the broader the bag straps are, the better; because broad shoulder straps will divide the pressure on greater surface and the effect of pressure will become less.

If you have to carry a lot of groceries in one trip, consider using a 4-wheel shopping cart that makes it easy to carry every thing at once without hurting your arms.

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關鍵字health observe Taiwanese women suffer tendonitis forearm Medical Experts carrying heavy bags housewives market shoulder arm soreness
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