
Encouraging Others Through His Story
2010/12/24 06:00 綜合報導     地區:屏東縣報導



A man in Pintung was diagnosed with oral cancer and was told that he had only 3 more months to live. Instead of feeling hopeless, he decided to encourage other cancer patients with his story. Now that he has lived longer than the doctor's prognosis, he will continue his battle against the deadly disease.

The lottery vendor, Mr. Chien, is always energetic and smiling.

But you would be surprised to know that he is a stage three oral cancer patient.

He was diagnosed with the disease two years ago and the doctor told him that he only had 3 more months to live.

Mr. Chien, a single father with a son, was 47 years old at that time.

He said, he then decided to embrace the challenge because he hopes to set up an example for his son.

And his decision has surprisingly changed his life and those around him.

To divert his attention from pain caused by chemotherapy and agonizing treatments, he would make wooden Japanese-style carvings including Buddhist temples, which he later donated to welfare groups for charity sales.

Then he realized that even though he was sick, he could make his life more meaningful by helping others.

So he began working as a volunteer at the Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation by giving speeches regarding his personal experience of battling cancer, and to encourage people to treasure what they have.

Even though it's painful for him just to talk, he insists to make two to five speeches per month. He has even made phone calls to cancer patients to encourage them to go through the treatments, and to stay hopeful.

Mr. Chien says, he doesn't know when his life will end, but he cherishes every single day.

He has found the true value of his life through encouraging others, and will continue to do so as long as he lives.

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關鍵字story His Encouraging Others through Pintung LOTTERY vendor wooden Japanese-style
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