
Public Welcoming Mayor Chen's New Term
2010/12/27 06:00 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



Kaohsiung City Mayor Chen Chu attended the swearing-in ceremony at the Siwei Executive Center, with the presence of the mayor of Hachioji, the Kaohsiung's sister city in Japan. Chen speaks about her future plans, and hopes that the central government will pay more attention to the needs of the southern cities in the future. The merge was also welcomed with a parade, with the public celebrating Chen's new term in office.

Issuing her first executive order, Chen Chu officially becomes the first Kaohisung Mayor after the merger. Not only did previous Kaohsiung mayors

Frank Hsieh and Yeh Chu-lan attend the ceremony, even the mayor of Hachioji, Kaohsiung's sister city in Japan, was there.

Chen talked about her development plans in the speech. She didn't forget to tell the central government not to overlook southern Taiwan cities in the future. After the ceremony, Chen was at the city council to check in on the vote for council chair.

She said she would respect the outcome that the DPP would not be able to control the city council. Kaohsiung City held Asia's largest balloon parade at 1pm to help celebrate the merger, which Chen attended.

Balloons of cartoon characters over 5 stories tall were in the parade. Small balloons were also given away along the route. Many people rushed to receive the present from Greater Kaohsiung's first mayor.

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關鍵字public Welcoming Mayor Chen's NEW Term Kaohsiung City Mayor CHEN Chu swearing-in ceremony Siwei Executive Center
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