
Be Prepared for Flu Season
2010/12/29 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The emergency rooms across the island have been getting packed in the past two weeks. After the announcement from the World Health Organization that the northern hemisphere is entering peak flu season, our Centers for Disease Control is reminding us to get vaccinated for influenza, while making sure we are dressed for the cold temperatures.

Due to the recent cold spell, the number of emergency room patients suffering from colds or the flu has risen exponentially.

Doctors say that the number of patients with colds has risen 20% to 30% during clinic hours across all age groups.

As it is also norovirus and rotavirus peak season, many children are suffering from fevers, diarrhea, and vomiting.

The World Health Organization has announced that the northern hemisphere has entered peak flu season, but the vaccination rate among the elderly and children in Taiwan is only around 30%.

The Centers for Disease Control says that getting a flu shot is the best method of prevention, and that everyone should get vaccinated as soon as possible because it takes two weeks for the shots to take full effect.

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關鍵字Be Prepared for flu season The World health Organization flu season Centers for disease Control Cold TEMPERATURES
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