The establishment of a cross-strait committee on economic cooperation is now in the final stage of confirmation and may be officially announced soon. But the exact date, according to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, has not been decided at this point. The ECFA was signed on September 12th. Within the next six months, the four agreements including product and service trade and investment dispute settlement mechanism will be entering the next phase of negotiation through the cross-strait economic cooperation committee. That's why spectators are wondering when will the authorities announce the official establishment of the committee. SEF chairman P.K. Chiang asks the public to be patient and wait for the result announced by Mainland Affairs Council, as now representatives are still doing the final negotiation on technical issues. According to reliable sources, the committee will be co-chaired by Vice chairman of Straits Exchange Foundation Gao Kong-lian and vice president of ARATS Cheng Li-chung with Vice minister of Economic Affairs Liang Kuo-hsin and Vice Minister of Commerce of PRC Jiang Zhengwei being the head conveners. As this is also the first communication and negotiation platform organized by cross-strait officials, it has drawn a lot of attention from the public. ◆ 追蹤更多華視影音及圖文新聞: 1.用Plurk追蹤華視影音及圖文新聞:追蹤 2.用Twitter追蹤華視影音及圖文新聞:追蹤