
Moe Slow in Tackling Bullying on Campus
2010/12/31 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



To stop campus bullying, the Ministry of Education has proclaimed the anti-bullying plan, requesting schools to submit report within 24 hours of the incident. Even though the Ministry has shown its determination, some legislators are still questioning their execution ability, after failing to keep themselves updated with the latest bullying occurrence.

A recent bullying case was against teacher.

It's said that a 9th grader in Kaohsiung City, who was sleeping in the classroom alone, was infuriated when a teacher came to ask him the reason and took a broom to heckle the teacher.

Although Ministry of Education has launched a program to contain bullying, asking all schools to report such instances within 24 hours, it seems the ministry is one step behind.

Minister of Education Wu Ching-ji pledges to follow the blueprint of the SARS in addressing the issue with determination and commitment.

Some legislators are not convinced.

The bullying incidents highlight the long-term violence problems on campus.

Previously, vice Premier Sean Chen said the issue should be tackled by a higher governmental unit.

Wu believes that school faculty is held responsible for the front-line work, where teachers should work on their capabilities of managing their classes and local governments should increase the number of councilors and social workers on campus.

Wu stresses the solution to the bullying problem is based on education.

But apparently many legislators don't have enough faith in his execution competency.

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關鍵字MOE Slow IN Tackling Bullying on campus Stop campus Bullying The Ministry of education proclaimed The anti-bullying plan
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