
New Year's Day, Indeed a Special One
2011/01/03 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Setting a new record in over 20 years, more than 6,800 couples have tied the knot on January 1st of 2011, which is also the first day of the 100th year of our nation. In addition, many mothers have also picked this special day to give birth to their babies.

The 1st day of the 100th year of the nation is a good day on the farmer's calendar. Although it was a cold day, 100 couples got married together. Not only was today a meaningful day, but it's also easier to remember one's anniversary than others.

Not only did couples rush to get married today, mothers also rushed to deliver their babies. A pair of twin sisters sleeping side by side seems very cute.

They are the first kids for the parents, who chose to deliver them at 11:01am on 1/1/2011. Their parents hope they can have a successful life in the future.

Another baby girl, who is Taiwanese and Japanese, was born naturally at 8:26am. Her thick black hair is like her mother's. She originally cried a lot but became quiet and fell alseep when her mother held her.

Many parents chose to have their babies delivered by surgery on the New Year's Day. Others were born naturally. But they all brought joy on the first day of the New Year.

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關鍵字NEW RECORD NEW Year's DAY Indeed A special ONE couples Marry give birth TO babies
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