
Hurdles to New Education Program
2011/01/05 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The extension of compulsory education to 12 years, which President Ma Ying-jeou earlier announced will start in 2014, has been generally supported by the public. And a KMT legislator has proposed a legal amendment to facilitate its implementation. However, DPP lawmakers warn that the government should solve the issue of educational funding first; otherwise all the planning will just be a waste of time.

President Ma announced that starting from 2014 the basic compulsory education will be extended from 9 to 12 years.

In other words, more than 300,000 students who would become 7th graders in this August will enjoy free admission and free tuition.

But on whether or not the promise can be delivered, KMT legislators will amend the National Education Law to give the policy a legal basis for easier implementation.

Parents hope the 12-year compulsory education policy can be carried out in 2014 and alleviate student's pressure and their own financial burdens.

KMT legislator Chen Shu-hui proposed a draft to the amendment, which includes the abolishment of basic competence test and tuition waivers for high school students.

However, education advocates ask the authorities to come up with better corresponding measures.

DPP legislators also mentioned the importance of planning school districts before the basic competence test is abolished.

But where is the funding of the tuition waiver program, which may cost the government additional 15 billion NTD?

Observers believe the government should confirm the source of funding first or everything else is just empty talks.

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關鍵字Hurdles TO NEW education program education KMT legislator CHEN Shu-hui President MA Ying-jeou educational funding first
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