
Air Force General Demoted Over Scandal
2011/01/08 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Two days after news broke out about an alleged misuse of public resources for his son's wedding, Air Force General Lei Yu-chi was relieved of his duties as commander and demoted to the post of deputy chief of general staff, which some believe may be the final stop of his military career.

The wedding banquet of the son of Air Force Commanding General Lei Yu-chi was held at the Air Force Recreation Center on New Year's Day.

A major general served as the convener at the wedding, while three colonels also had specific roles.

In total, 50 air force personnel worked at the wedding.

During a press conference on Thursday, Lei bowed twice to apologize for misusing government resources but said that all of the personnel that worked at the banquet were volunteers.

The case is currently being reviewed by the Ministry of National Defense's disciplinary committee, which is also expected to issue new guidelines for the scope of air force personnel's social activities.

The MND announced on Thursday afternoon that Lei would be changing positions with Air Force Deputy Chief of the General Staff Yen Ming.

Current Chief of the General Staff Lin Chen-yi's two-year term will come to an end next month, and Lei had been viewed as a likely successor.

As a result, his misstep will likely cost him a major promotion.

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關鍵字misuse public resources wedding AIR force general Lei Yu-chi Commander demoted MILITARY career
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