
Hearing on Public Tv Act
2011/01/09 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



A public hearing on the amendment of the Public Television Act was held by the Government Information Office this week, with many scholars and media reform groups invited to give their suggestions. But no definite conclusion was reached this time.

Government Information Office held a public hearing on the amendment of the Public Television Act, where experts, scholars, media reform groups and local people who are concerned with public media development were invited to join the discussion.

But the GIO asked media reporters to not film and had the stationed policemen to get the reporters out.

Only after the reporters promised to turn the cameras away did the public hearing start.

According to the GIO, the Public Televion Service has been operating for 10 years but some of the laws of the Public Televion Act are outdated.

Therefore, the GIO proposed a version of law amendment, where media reform groups and the Public Televion Service Foundation also present their own version of the law amendment.

The issues of conflicts among board of directors and supervisors of the PTS continue. While last year's board directors and supervisors reached their term on December 3rd, their replacements haven't been selected.

The board member representing employees suggests the authorities to review whether it is necessary to have board of directors and supervisors.

Scholars suggest the GIO to hold another public hearing on the nomination and selection mechanism of board of directors and supervisors and gradually establish an external supervision mechanism.

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關鍵字public Hearing amendment public television Act government Information Office scholars MEDIA reform group suggestion
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