
More Sports Facilities for New Taipei City
2011/01/10 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北縣報導



New Taipei City Mayor Eric Chu has announced his plan to build new recreational sports center in the metropolitan area in the next four years. Chu also stressed the importance of providing easy access to sports facilities for residents.

Wearing the baseball jacket and a baseball hat from New Taipei City baseball team, the city's mayor Eric Chu paid an inspection visit this morning to the ongoing project of Sports and Leisure Activity Center in the Xinchuang Sports Park.

The three-story stadium has a swimming pool of international standard and the country's first green slope that is good for jogging and walking.

This is also the first Sports Center in New Taipei City.

Eric Chu reiterates his campaign promises, saying that he would build many more sports centers in more populated areas in four years.

Now there are only 28 baseball stadiums in the 29 administrative districts of New Taipei City, 15 of the districts don't have their own stadiums.

Chu says he would push forward the projects as soon as possible.

Besides asking the city's baseball team to collaborate closely with schools of all levels to help cultivate children's interests in baseball, the mayor asks the Sport Office of New Taipei City to provide the information of the city's 1,944 sports facilities on the Internet. So the public can easily get access to the sports facility that best suits their needs.

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關鍵字more sports facilities for NEW Taipei City NEW Taipei City Mayor ERIC Chu recreational sports Center Metropolitan baseball stadiums
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