
Scarves Winning Hearts of Tourists
2011/01/10 06:00 綜合報導     地區:嘉義縣報導



The scarves are winning the hearts of the Chinese tourists, because of its multipurpose functions. It can be made into a vest, and can also be reshaped into a shawl. The business owner says that they can sell up to 1,000 of this versatile accessory every month.

This lady came from Zhejiang and she squeezes into this small stall to find this long scarf that she cannot put down.

The sight of the boss wearing this scarf interests her, and like magic, it is no longer a scarf, but transforms into a shawl, then into a vest.

It is able to transform into a hat to keep one warm.

It is really like magic, as these mainland tourists seem dumbfounded.

There is also lots of choice with different colors and even stripes.

These creative uses in chilly weather make these amazing magic scarves quite popular along with Alishan tea and cypress essential oils.

These are the top 3 items prized by mainland tourists with prices at just 250 NT$, and many people are buying a few of them to bring back to friends and family.

Women seem to buy the most, as these Taiwan made magic scarves are destined to become quite popular.

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關鍵字tourists of Hearts winning Scarves Chinese tourists Zhejiang scarf
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