
Bpa Found in Thermal Papers
2011/01/10 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



A recent survey conducted by the Consumers' Foundation has indicated that more than 60 percent of the thermal paper used for fax and ATM machines contain BPA, a substance that is found to be toxic to the human body, which can also lead to cancer in the long run.

Experts are reminding the public to wash their hands after coming in contact with it.

Bisphenol A is a toxin that is commonly found on heat sensitive printer paper that is widely used for receipts.

According to chemistry professor, biphenol A is a kind of environmental hormone, which could lead to many cancers for itself is a cancer-causing toxin.

Biphenol A is a clear and transparent liquid, which, according to the U.S. government, the human body can only withstand 50 grams of the substance.

The outrageous fact is that, there are no regulations on biphenol A in Taiwan and thus, no one knows exactly how much would be a dangerous level.

It is thus advised that, before the standard level is set, it is safer to wash hands after come in contact with those paper receipts to prevent eating cancer causing toxins

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關鍵字Papers Thermal IN Found Bpa Consumers' Foundation ATM machines contain Bpa Bisphenol toxin
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