
Good Samaritan Asks Nothing in Return
2011/01/05 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北縣報導



One Good Samaritan from New Taipei City is being praised today for his morals and honesty. After locating a black bag loaded with cash and checks, the man returned the full amount of 600,000 NT dollars to the police station. The individual not only did not ask for the legal reward, which is 30 percent of it, but he also refused to accept an appreciation tip from the owner.

Counting this stack of banknotes, there must be at least 500,000, along with these checks of 90,000, making the total haul nearly 600,000 NT$.

This is what was lost in the street before Mr. Chen picked it up.

Here we see him in the monitor, as Chen takes this black bag directly to the local police precinct to help locate the owner.

Later, he even refused reward money as this woman, surnamed Lin, who lost the bag, and is in her 50's says that all of the money is still in the bag.

She thanked Mr. Chen with tears of gratitude.

Originally a wood and stone sculptor, Mr. Chen has an unstable income, though according to the law, he could claim 30% of the money which is around 200,000 NT$.

However, Chen did not want the money and even a reward that she offered, as he only accepted a smile of gratitude.

Mr. Chen's gentle face means that he did the right thing.

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關鍵字GOOD samaritan Asks Nothing IN return NEW Taipei City Appreciation tip
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