
2011/01/16 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The super bug that recently has the whole world alarmed has now turned up for the first time in Taiwan. A 56-year-old man last year traveled to Jiangxi province of China to get a kidney transplant.

On his way back to Taiwan, the man came down with a fever and abdominal pain.

After three checkups, doctors confirmed that the man had contracted the highly drug-resistent super bug.

Luckily after a two month stay in the hospital, the man is recovering.

The super bug NDM-1 has emerge turned up in a case in Taiwan.

The first carrier case appeared last year when a photographer was injured in India.

At that time the man appeared to be unaffected, and no health related issues has occurred since then either.

However, doctors have just officially confirmed the first case in Taiwan, in which the patient has also showed intestinal infections.

The patient is a 56-year-old man with diabetes who traveled to Jiangxi Province of China last October to receive a kidney transplant.

On his way back to Taiwan, the man came down with a fever and abdominal pain and was later diagnosed by doctors with the super bug named Klebsiella pneumoniae.

According to the Centers for Disease control, the super bug is a kind of enzyme gene that was discovered in India over two years ago.

It can survive in the mitochondria of most bacteria and is highly resistent to drugs.

Currently, it can only be treated with the Tigecycline and colinstin antibiotics.

The bug primarily enters the body through open or surgical wounds, and is not usually contracted through ordinary skin to skin contact or airborn particles.

After two months of hospital stay and continually taking antibotics, the patient finally recovered.

Based on a database comparison, the CDC suspects the bug was brought in from abroad.

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關鍵字bug SUPER drug-resistent highly pain abdominal Fever A transplant kidney CHINA of province Jiangxi TAIWAN ONE case NDM-1 bug SUPER
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