
"super Bug" Case One in Twn
2010/10/06 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The first case of the drug-resistant bacteria, NDM-1, which is widely referred as "superbug", has appeared in Taiwan.

Experts believe that the Taiwanese cameraman who just returned to the island after being shot while he was on duty, was probably infected while being treated for his wound in India. After being quarantined for days and without symptoms, he has been released from the hospital.

On Monday, the Centers for Disease Control announced that the first case of the drug-resistant "superbug", NDM-1, had been diagnosed in Taiwan.

The patient is a television cameraman that was shot and wounded while working in India. Doctors believe that he was infected while undergoing emergency surgery there.

Because India is considered as an epidemic zone, the cameraman was immediately quarantined after returning to Taiwan on September 27th.

Although he wasn't exhibiting any symptoms, the CDC ordered a panel of tests and eventually discovered the "superbug" in his intestinal tract.

The patient is recovering well from his gunshot wound, and was released from the hospital on Monday. According to the CDC, NDM-1 cannot be transmitted through everyday contact or the airborne route.

Nevertheless, anyone that undergoes medical treatment in an epidemic zone should report to the CDC after returning to Taiwan so that relevant authorities can monitor their cases and take preventative measures if necessary.

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關鍵字Control disease for Centers The India NDM-1 bacteria Drug-resistant TAIWAN ONE case bug SUPER
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