
2011/01/20 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Civil groups have criticized the government in a press conference on Tuesday, for failing to protect the interests of consumers during the negotiation with the mainland counterpart on the matter of cross-strait flights. They said that even though the number of direct flights for this Chinese New Year holiday has increased, over 50% of the added ones are "red-eye" flights, which are not only inconvenient but the tickets are also offered at an expensive rate.

Lunar New Year is coming, and Taiwanese businessmen returning to Taiwan to celebrate the holiday may have to endure high airfare.

A number of civic groups in the morning pointed out that prices for these cross-strait routes have been high without falling, as to blame the lack of international competition on these routes, with the result being a near monopoly.

A round trip fare from Taipei to Hong Kong is around 6,700 to 8,700 NT$, while a round trip from Taipei to Shanghai is between 9,500 to 12,500 NT$,

which is almost the same duration, with the price nearly double.

Civic groups say that on the 14th of this month, cross strait aviation authorities have added Lunar New Year flights, but most return to Taiwan in the middle of the night or take off in the early hours of the morning, accounting for some 50% of these flights.

These types of flights are typically just 1% of China's air travel, making it a 50 to 1 ratio.

They believe that this is totally unreasonable.

The Ministry of Transportation and Communications said that cross-strait direct flights start late in the evening as better times have already been taken by other international routes, and direct flights can only operate during these times.

The MOTC will continue to negotiate, and hopefully secure a better take off time for these flights.

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關鍵字fights Direct Extra over complaints tickets HOLIDAY year NEW Chinese Flights cross-strait counterpart Mainland groups Civil
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