
2011/01/21 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The DPP Central Executive Committee on Wednesday finalized its revision to the nomination process for legislators-at-large, giving nomination rights to a "task force" led by Chairperson Tsai Ing-wen, while taking opinion polls and the party member vote totally out of the equation. But some DPP lawmakers showed strong disapproval of the new measure, saying it would afford the party leader too much power.

On the 19th, the DPP Central

eliminating using public opinion poll and member ballot selection process and go straight to chairmen selection method of nominating 7 to 9 out

which, after a vote from the central executive committee members, will become the official DPP nomination committee, and from the group,

the list of legislator without portfolios will be nominated.

The list will become effective once two third of the party member voted and approved of it.

However, some DPP party members believe that the new regulation would give the chairman too much power and the process is unfair for it eliminated party member voting process.

Some members said that the move is a clear distribution of power by the local factions, but Tsai Ying Wen said that, the decision was passed by many central

while it is not a brand new regulation, it is the best to regulate the nomination process.

Tsai further pointed out that, the list of legislator without portfolios nominated by such committee can bring the competitiveness within the party to minimum and allow the list to be more perfect.

The amendment of the regulation of presidential and legislator candidate will have its final discussion at the ad hoc DPP all member party on the 22nd of this month.

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關鍵字The DPP Central Executive Committee legislators-at-large task force chairperson Tsai Ing-wen PARTY member Vote
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