
2011/01/30 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



If you want to get a fresh set of banknotes to put inside red envelopes before the Chinese New Year, please be sure to visit any branch of the Bank of Taiwan, or one of the designated branches of other state-run banks by February First. And those who don't want to spend time waiting in lines may also try their luck at ATM machines, where crisp new bills are also available but in limited amounts.

Many people are taking advantage of the nice weather and heading to the Bank of Taiwan to trade in their cash for crisp, new bills.

The bank has not only posted a memo announcing the exchange service, but has also opened up three teller counters to handle the demand.

All of these people are

To celebrate the ROC's 100th founding year, the Central bank is issuing 400 million NT dollars for the public to exchange.

Starting from January 26 until February 1, the banks will allow each person to trade in their old bills for the new 100th ROC year bills.

However, each person is limited to 100 bills, which is equal to 10 thousand NT dollars.

Meanwhile, 200NT, 500NT, 1000NT, and 2000NT bills will all be available for exchange.

Alternatively, people who don't want to go a bank counter can directly go to the nearest Bank of Taiwan ATM to exchange.

The financial sector will be on a break from Chinese New Year's eve until the fifth or sixth day of the Chinese new year, during which time the ATMs will be closed.

As a reminder to the public, foreign banks will have a withdrawal limit of 150 to 200 thousand NT dollars per day depending on the bank, while local banks will have a maximum limit of 100 to 120 thousand NT dollars.

It would be wise to consult with your bank beforehand.

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關鍵字fresh SET banknotes red envelopes Chinese NEW year The Bank of TAIWAN crisp NEW bills
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