
Disadvantage children in Yunlin
2011/02/16 06:00 綜合報導     地區:桃園縣報導



The sping semester for elementary and junior high school started on Monday and children go to school with new textbooks. However, some disadvantaged children can't even afford basic stationery for school. A social welfare group in Yunlin brought over 100 children living in remote areas to a hypermart and each was given 500 NTD to purchase stationery they need. Some children pick a money box, saying that they are to save the coins and donate the saving to help others in need.

The principal reminds the students once again that they should cherish the new stationery they get as these items are not easily to come by for children living in remote areas.

A third-grader in Shiliu elementary school in YUnlin County surnamed Chang is from a single parent family who is not financially stable. But she chose to buy a money box, hoping to save money to help others.

To assist disadvantaged children living in remote areas in Yunlin, some social welfare group collaborated with local residents in offering 500 NTD to over 100 children.

On the day when the semester started, children were taken to shop at a hypermart and they can use the money to buy whatever stationery items they need.

It was a happy day for the children, who said they are really grateful for those who help them and will study hard to return the kind-hearted assistance.

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關鍵字JUNIOR HIGH school Shiliu elementary school
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