
2011/02/25 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



When it comes to marketing a product, one of the most important elements is its packaging. However, it has been often criticized as a waste of resources, and for its high cost. Now, a few companies are creating packaging in a green way, and the Environmental Protection Administration is encouraging more businesses to adopt the eco-friendly method.

To prevent this LCD monitor from being damaged during long-distance transport, the industry typically adds layers of protection, from plastic hard shell, to foam lining and a large plastic bag, finally put into a carton.

Each layer costs money and now the industry has developed new packaging, which has saved 5 tons of materials in one year. Simply putting it into foam and re-use helped usher in the environmental spirit.

This wine gift box was originally paper and then covered with a plastic cloth, and if only a paper box was used the company could save 65% and the cost could be reduced by 4 times. This also shows that companies can be less wasteful and design could save materials.

The EPA says that more businesses are moving towards green packaging, though there is still much room for improvement. Companies that have signed an agreement to reduce packaging with the EPA include 5 panel makers and notebook products.

There are 8 different products have led to a reduction of 3,700 tons of packaging waste.The EPA also called for more businesses to invest in packaging reduction, not only to conserve materials but to allow consumers to spend money actually buying their product instead of the packaging.

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關鍵字marketing A product packaging resource green WAY Environmental Protection Administration
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