
2011/03/10 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台東縣報導



The development of the permanent housing for the Typhoon Morakot victims has sparked a heated debate between the Taitung County government and the residents. In accusing the authorities of destroying the site at Jinfeng Township's Chialan Village, the Paiwan Tribe members are asking the government to put a stop to the construction work, and to have experts examine the land before they proceed with the drilling process.

The development of large tracts of land associated with permanent housing for those affected by Typhoon Morakot has come under scrutiny.

What was originally private land belonging to 21 people in the Chialan Village has led the tribal leader to say that only 7 people have agreed to sell the land to the government.

The others have been imposed with special regulations according to the construction of Typhoon Morakot housing for 52 families. But this land, during the Japanese colonial period was where Paiwan Tribe ancestors were forced to move as their first settlement. This took place 70 years ago, and ancestors buried in the ground many relics and bones,

and it was also the training of youth soldiers and is of tribal, cultural, and spiritual significance.

Now that land excavation is taking place, many families are sad and want to seek a way to protect this tribal site.

Because there are no relics dug up from the ground, the Taitung County Government is targeting areas where it can dig with other parts being suspended.

However, heavy machinery is taking the dirt away, leading some to be quite worried, as they use smoke to express their dissatisfaction. The affected Paiwan households in Chialan also worry that their ancestral spirits may be disturbed in the building of this permanent housing.

Whether this area is able to qualify for protection as a culturally important area still requires a definite answer,

as tribal members are calling for an immediate suspension of work and asking the county government to please send experts to investigate their claims.

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關鍵字typhoon Morakot victims Taitung county
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