
2011/04/04 06:00 綜合報導     地區:宜蘭縣報導



Fish processing factory usually gives people a dirty impression, an environment that's filled with stench of fish. However, a factory owner in Yilan is changing people's general perception by turning it into a Japanese-style fish market. Tourists can both learn about marine animals while enjoying the freshest taste of seafood. The idea has made his factory a tourist attraction in the region, generating a 200-million-NT-dollar revenue per month.

Now is time for marine biology lesson, right at the plant.

You must have eaten squid, but have you seen squids swimming?

For visitors coming from Kaoshiung to Yilan, this is where the fun begins as the exhibition hall is turned into a fish market immediately, where tourists get to enjoy free samples and buy seafood products from the market.

With an average annual visitor number of 96,000, the exhibition hall brings in 2 million NTD of sales revenue each month.

Chien Da-hsin, who still wears rainboots at work, was born in a fisherman's family.

The decline of fish catch leads to a crisis of his survival.

So he transformed his plant into a tourism-oriented facility, where he sells tourism services and fish catch, without the involvement of middlemen.

Tourists find the products a great bargain while Chien is able to sustain the business, giving the traditional industry a much-needed boost.

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關鍵字fish processing factory environment stench of fish Japanese-style fish market tourists freshest taste of Seafood
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