A new film In "Everlasting Moments," an ancient Atayal soul travels into the modern world. Featuring dialogue in the Atayal tribal dialect, the film stars Atayal tribesman Dagun, who falls unconscious when he returns to his tribe after his home, an illegal structure, is torn down. While bedridden, Dagun converses with the soul, Buda. Singer Yuraw Yukan say that he found it extremely challenging to interpret the role of the ancient soul, but that certain scenes in the film are reminiscent of conversations he has had with his ancestors in dreams. "Everlasting Moments" is screenwriter Chen Wen-pin's directorial debut. Chen has been concerned about the plight of aborigines in cities for many years, and says that as a Han Chinese director, he had to overcome many topical, language, and cultural obstacles. Chen says that he wanted to use a slow, poetic method of storytelling to interpret interaction between different tribes, and hopes that the film will help the general public better understand the aboriginal perspective on nature and land. ◆ 追蹤更多華視影音及圖文新聞: 1.用Plurk追蹤華視影音及圖文新聞:追蹤 2.用Twitter追蹤華視影音及圖文新聞:追蹤