

2011/04/26 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



When we think of graffiti painting, many of us associate it as an act that's bordering the law.

But now, through this event, these artists are giving us a different kind of perspective about this form of street art, which is often used to express social or political messages.

This morning, we are taking you to Neihu to check out their recent project, which is not in anyway breaking the rules, but on the contrary, it will later be auctioned for a good cause.

The wall in Neihu Science Park will definitely catch your attention, with various bold colors overlapping each other.

The work looks like a street graffiti on the first sight, but viewers will find elements of the mainstream art in this very new art work.

It turns out that this wall full of colors is painted by many graffiti painters, who used spray paints, oil paints and watercolor paints.

Artists put different elements, such as a symbol of the leader, dolls with big eyes and traditional Chinese paintings, to present a new interpretation of street graffiti through the giant painting.

Street graffiti has always been categorized as part of the subculture, while most legal places for graffiti are located in river parks outside the city, let alone a complete management over these locations.

Graffiti art or rather street art has therefore largely goes against the principles of mainstream art for the above-mentioned reasons.

This time, through the activity, the artists hope that more people can learn to appreciate the new art form.

They will put the work in mainstream art auctions, and will donate the money to charity groups.

The artists hope to convey a new idea to people about modern art, while helping others at the same time.

Still, what they want the most is more legal sites in the city where they can create their works freely.

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關鍵字Graffiti painting bordering LAW
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