節目表 UShare


2011/05/20 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北縣報導



Few of us know about the Taipei Happy Mount Colony, which used to be an organization for leprosy patients during the Japanese colonial period. Now, a group of artists are organizing an exhibition to give us a glimpse of the life in this isolated institution.

A graduate student of the Taipei National University of the Arts, Tseng Yun-chieh, developed the special "Loshan Drink" made of Asiatic Wormwood, water, and some honey after she studied the relationship of people and the plant in the Taipei Happy Mount Colony.

Besides fresh vegetable drink, she even developed a kind of herbal tea made with Chinese herbs and other dried plants.

The beverage bar was also made by Tseng, who designed the signal for dinner through the clear sound of iron spoons knocking each other.

In addition, she used an electric fan to make a small sound through an iron pin to make the sound that tells everyone it's time to sleep.

Taipei Happy Mount Colony was established in 1932 during the Japanese colonial period, and was one of the organizations that received lepers.

Now the organization mainly receives physically and mentally challenged people. In an effort to make the public know more about the isolated place, six young artists have decided to move into the organization, and they hope to present the life and people in Taipei Happy Mount Colony through their art work.

The organization is a private property and does not face a dispute of relocation like Losheng Sanatorium does.

Still, the young artists hope that through their creation, more people can pay attention to the organization and the people living in it.

The exhibition will end on May 29th.

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關鍵字Life IN Taipei Happy MOUNT COLONY Taipei Happy MOUNT COLONY Taipei national University of The arts tseng Yun-chieh Loshan drink
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