節目表 UShare


2011/05/25 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



As for the DPP, they are also seeking popular faces to join the legislative race, such as the well-known TV show host Yu Mei-ren and former baseball star Chao Shi-chiang. However, Yu has turned down DPP's proposition to run as the legislative candidate in Taipei City, while Chao is still contemplating over the offer.

Renowned TV host Yu Mei-ren was straightforward about her intentions regarding the legislative race.

"I will not run for legislative seat this time.

Thanks for all the concern."

"How about the next time?"

"I still won't run.

"So you're not planning to run at all?"

"No I'm not."

In a year when political parties are trying hard to turn celebrities into their legislative candidates, Yu has become an ideal target for both the KMT and the DPP because of her considerable visibility and popularity.

But Yu hasn't expressed any interest in being a lawmaker so far, and that may be because she has higher ambitions.

"Both major parties are having trouble finding a vice-president candidate.

I'm willing to help either of them in this regard."

Meanwhile, another well-known face the DPP is targeting, former baseball star Chao Shi-chiang, said he needs to get his mother's consent before making his decision official.

"Just give him (Chao) a couple of more days to persuade his mother, his family.

I'm sure he can be a DPP trump card (in the election)"

And Chuang still hasn't given up hope on soliciting Yu to join their camp.

"Yu's name has often been mentioned.

Everyone would love to see her enter the legislative race.

People have high expectations of her.

Mei-ren, please make up your mind soon!"

However, as Yu has clearly made up her mind, the problem now should be whether she will change it.

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關鍵字Yu Mei-ren DPP's proposition Taipei City
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