
Hu Shakes Off Negative Comments
2010/09/30 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台中市報導



DPP legislator Yu Tian has been full of apologies this week after making improper remarks last Sunday about Taichung Mayor Jason Hu and his handicapped wife. The couple were quick to forgive the remorseful ex-singer and said they would not take offense to his words.

After days of controversy over a slip of the tongue, Jason Hu and wife Shirley Shao attended a public event.

Shao held her husband's hand tightly, which was a response to Yu Tian's comments a few days ago about losing her left arm.

She said she was affected by such comments. The two traveled side by side and Hu said that a few days ago Yu Tian's wife, Li Ya-Ping telephoned with an apology. In related news, the DPP campaign came to Taichung City with Frank Hsieh helping candidate Su Jia-Chyuan stressing for both him and his opponent to avoid negative campaigning.

An internal poll by the DPP, has the gap narrowing between Su and Hu as they hope that this trend will continue in the next two months of the campaign.

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關鍵字Taichung Mayor JASON Hu Shakes OFF negative Comments DPP legislator Yu Tian apologies
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