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2011/06/10 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



In this day and age of advanced technology, processing a payment of 3 million NT dollars shouldn't be much of a problem for financial institutions.

But it turned out to be an unexpectedly grueling task for a bank in New Taipei City.

It's probably the most tiring way to make a deposit--carrying to the bank 10 bags of coins weighing more than 1,300 kilograms collectively.

And the owner had to use a crane and a barrow to transport the cash from his truck to the counter.

The total worth of these coins is about 3.16 million NT dollars, which, when arranged in a stack of 10 NT and 50 NT coins, would measure about 368 meters high, taller than the No.1 skyscraper in Kaohsiung.

And their collective weight would rival that of a BMW sedan.

But why would someone take so much trouble to deposit 3 million NT dollars? Could it be that he has an inexplicable aversion to paper money?

"I had to express my anger,

though it was tiring, really.

But I was excited to do so."

It turned out that the man behind this publicity stunt, 43-year-old Chiu Cheng-feng, owner of a construction company in New Taipei City,

was simply trying to embarrass the bank, for it had earlier turned down his request for an extension on a 3.16 million NT performance bond.

Feeling he was not receiving fair treatment,

Chiu decided to make the payment in a way that would cause the greatest inconvenience for the bank.

So he sent his employees to convert the entire payment into coins last week.

"We visited nearly 20 places for the conversion,

including six banks and many post offices.

We had to get the job done no matter what."

In spite of all the trouble involved, Chiu admitted that seeing the woeful look on the tellers' faces was more than worthwhile.

But the bank, on the other hand, has denied any wrongdoing in handling Chiu's case, saying there might be a misunder

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關鍵字Bank coins Chiu Cheng-feng performance bond
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