節目表 UShare


2011/06/21 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



[0]Over one hundred mothers who unknowingly purchased dietary supplements that were tainted with plasticizer have gathered to file complaints against the food manufacturers at the Executive Yuan.

After several hours of meeting, officials from the Department of Health and Consumer Protection Commission have made a preliminary promise of demanding the food manufacturers to compensate the consumers unconditionally. ##

[1]Ms. Huang just can't stop her tears when thinking of her baby who has eaten harmful dietary supplements that were contaminated with plasticizer.

More than a hundred moms like Ms. Huang who had bought tainted products for their kids without know it have gathered at the Executive Yuan to ask for compensation from the food manufacturers.

They asked the government to take necessary measures and come up with a solution as soon as possible.

Under the arrangement of the Government Information Office minister Phillip Yang, these moms had a meeting with officials at the Department of Health and the Consumer Protection Commission.

The both sides reached a preliminary consensus, which includes the establishment of the compensation guideline and a consumer protection fund.

The Consumer Protection Commission also promised to submit the moms' opinions to the Executive Yuan for inter-department negotiations.

Since the food scandal broke out at the end of May, the Consumers' Foundation and Consumer Protection Commission have received over 515 complaints.

Among the 150 complaints sent to the Consumers' Foundation, one of them has demanded a 100-million-NT-dollar compensation against Uni-President, the manufacturer of the product LP33 capsule.

According to the Consumer Protection Commission, nearly half of the consumers demanded the food manufacturers to offer refund unconditionally, while some of them are hoping for mental compensation.

The Consumer's Foundation said the negotiation with food manufacturers has started and it will ask them to provide a certain amount of money as the consumer protection fund.

However, no positive responses have been made by the manufacturers.

In an effort to ask the food companies to take up the responsibility, the Consumer's Foundation said that it will revealed the names of the companies who refuse to offer compensation to the public.&&

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關鍵字compensatioin Executive Yuan department of health and Consumer Protection Commission
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