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2011/06/21 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



[0]Nearly five years after his last solo concert, veteran rock singer Chao Chuan is set to return to Taiwan stage in October. During a promotional event last week, Chao revealed that a talented male singer of the younger generation is going to be his special guest performer this time.


Rock legend Chao Chuan is back, even though the way he looks and sounds may have changed a bit. Okay, actually a lot.

The man in the yellow T-shirt was actually Kuo Tzu-chien, Taiwan's leading celebrity impersonator. In a comic reversal of roles, Kuo played the veteran rock star, while Chao himself pretended to be a small-time singer.

"Who are you?"

"Well, I know you're planning to give a concert.

So I'm wondering if I may be your guest singer."

"My guest singer?"

"Please give me a chance."

"Dude, it's very hard to sing my songs.

Only a handful of singers can do that."

"But I've been practicing for over 20 years."

"Over 20 years?"


"Well, yeah, I can use a guest singer for my concert.

If you can reach all the high notes demanded by my song,

I'll give you a chance. Okay?"

Of course the real Chao did not disappoint.

This was all part of a promotional event for Chao's upcoming concert in October,

which will be his first in five years.

Chao admitted that he already felt a lot of pressure in terms of box office performance.

"I certainly feel a lot of pressure.

It's been so many years since I gave my last concert.

Box office is always a major concern.

If you see many empty seats in a large stadium,

you feel bad."

Having said that, Chao showed optimism about ticket sales, adding that he's still got what it takes to give a strong performance.

"I'll try hard to promote the concert.

Of course, since the organizers are willing to take a risk with me,

they surely have enough confidence in me.

And in terms of fitness,

over the years I still keep giving performances,

so I'm pretty much in shape for a concert."

When asked about whom he will invite to be his special guest for the concert, Chao declined to give a direct answer.

"Yes, we will have a special guest,

whose identity is still a secret, though.

Yes, the guest singer has been confirmed."

"A singer of the younger generation?"

"Yes, of the younger generation.

A singer I personally think very highly of.

But I can't reveal now who the singer is."

"Is it a he or a she?"

"It's a he.

And of course he's from Taiwan."

"Is it Jam Hsiao?

Everyone thinks it's him."

"I can't give you a direct answer on that."

"Would you sing Hsiao's songs for us?"

"Wouldn't that amount to giving the secret away?"

So will it really be Jam Hsiao?

Perhaps we'll have to wait until October to find out.

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關鍵字SOLO concert Veteran ROCK singer Chao Chuan promotional event special guest
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