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2011/07/11 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Good morning, and thank you for joining us on this Monday, July 11th. I am Louisa Lee.

First taking a look at the latest in Taiwan,

The Department of Health has recently released a new recommended daily food intake chart for the public. Now, what is the difference between the old and the new? And is it really better for our health? Here on CTS, we explain.

The Department of Health published the chart of recommended daily food intake to help people have a healthier diet. The department said that modern lifestyle has changed many people's ways of living and their diets, which is highly associated with chronic diseases.

The new chart suggests that people should consume more fruit and vegetables plus whole grains, vegetable roots to increase fiber intake while drinking low fat milk to increase calcium intake.

"Those who don't like the taste of milk or who are lactose intolerant can choose bean products to increase their intake of calcium.

They are advised to eat bean curds, which is rich in calcium, rather than tofu."

In the new chart, the names and recommended portion of the 6-category foods have been updated. The Department of Health recommends that people should eat 4 servings of fruits instead of 2, and 5 plates of vegetables instead of 3.

As for the 5 grains category, it is now called the category of "whole grains and vegetable roots".

For people's better health, the new chart recommends eating low fat dairy products, with the recommended intake portion lowered to 1.5 to 2 cups from 1 to 2 cups.

The suggested serving of nuts per day is increased to 3 to 7 teaspoons of oil instead of 2 to 3 teaspoons of oil per day.

"We suggest people to eat as many unprocessed grains as possible, at least to the amount of one-third of the total intake of grains.

Another thing is that we hope people can eat at least the recommended serving of nuts every day."

In addition, the Department of Health suggests more water intake instead of sugary drinks, while recommending 30 minutes of exercise per day.

Vegetarians are advised to expose themselves under the sun for 20 minutes per day for enough vitamin D. Dark leafy greens is also highly recommended to prevent osteoporosis.

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關鍵字The department of health recommended Daily food Vegetarians
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