Robert Downey, Jr. joined an esteemed group of Hollywood actors in earning a special accolade. The 46-year-old actor is the newest recipient of the American Cinematheque Award. It is the 25th year the film arts organization has handed out the trophy to a thespian deemed to be "an extraordinary artist in the entertainment industry currently making a significant contribution to the art of the moving picture." Family and friends gathered at the Beverly Hilton at a star-studded event held to celebrate the occasion. Robert Downey Jr.: "It's nice. I mean, look. The truth is it affords me the opportunity to do the type of movies I want to do anyway. And, you know, you gotta come to this hotel once or twice a year anyway. I know that it raises money for a good cause. Both of our families are here. That in and of itself is a reality show. And, all our pals are here. I mean this is going to be a fun night." Mel Gibson, who helped Downey early in the actor's career, presented the award. ◆ 追蹤更多華視影音及圖文新聞: 1.用Plurk追蹤華視影音及圖文新聞:追蹤 2.用Twitter追蹤華視影音及圖文新聞:追蹤