節目表 UShare


2011/11/09 06:00 綜合報導     地區:國外報導



  With a nearly unprecedented hold, Puss in Boots easily claimed first place for the second straight weekend, despite the competing new-releases "Tower Heist" and "A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas." "Puss in Boots" eased just 3 percent to around 33 million US dollars, adding its total ticket sale to 75.5 million US dollars.

  Last weekend's new release "Tower Heist" opened in second place with 24 million US dollars, which is below industry expectations, and a bit off from other comedy flicks by Ben Stiller and Eddie Murphy. Despite the star-driven cast, the film received a middling "B" CinemaScore.

  No. three goes to "A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas", which opened at 12.9 million US dollars, slightly lower than its previous installment, Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay's 14.9 million-US-dollar opening in 2008. Earning a "B" in CinemaScore, exit polling indicated that the audience was 62 percent male and 73 percent under the age of 35. Reviews were good for the Christmas flick, but moviegoers were not completely blown away by the R-rated film.

  Nearly six years have elapsed since the two have been locked up at the detention camp of Guantanamo Bay, and now Harold and Kumar are teaming up again on a mission to find the perfect Christmas tree, after Kumar accidentally burns down Harold's father-in-law's beloved Christmas tree. And as expected, the two stumble into trouble all the way until the very end.

  The horror flick "Paranormal Activity 3" fell another 54% to 8.3 million US dollars, putting Paramount at 95.1 million US dollars after 17 days of release, while [10]Justin Timberlake's sci-fi thriller "In Time" followed with 7.5 million US dollars.

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關鍵字Tower Heist A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas Puss IN boots eased movie
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