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2012/01/13 06:00 綜合報導     地區:國外報導



  Silicon Valley legend Steve Jobs- a superhero to many- is now the subject of a new comic book. The $4.00, 32-page book offers readers a broad view of the life of the now deceased Jobs, from his adoption as a baby- to his work at Apple.

  Thor Parker of Midtown comics: Thor Parker, Midtown Comics: "The artwork is pretty basic for a comic. You see a lot of iconic images that are related to Steve Jobs. You see comic renditions of his Forbes magazine cover, a lot of his keynote addresses.

  So you'll see a lot of stuff that you recognize and then you'll see some other people that popped up in his life, the other guys that ran Pixar, they are in there briefly. So you will recognize everybody that is in there pretty much." Many regard Jobs as the greatest American CEO of his generation.

  He revolutionized electronic technology when his company Apple developed the iPod, iPhone and other hot gadgets- including the recent iPad. The comic was written before his death from pancreatic cancer at age 56, and so does not address that.

  At Midtown Comics in New York City, fans were curious to check it out: AK, Comic Book Fan: "Seems like a collector's item so I picked it up" Zane, Comic Book Fan: "I think it's great. I think he's an interesting guy, interesting point of view in his life and in my opinion everything translates well into comics."

  But not every fan was enthusiastic about the comic: Michael, Comic Book Fan: "I think I would rather read an autobiography about him, than a comic book." (Bobbi Rebell/Reuters)

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關鍵字Comics Midtown Parker Thor jobs Steve Valley Silicon apple company
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