
Shark looms in kengting
2010/07/10 06:45 綜合報導     地區:屏東縣報導



Beware of sharks in the southern part of the island.

According to recent reports, the world's third most aggressive type of sharks, bull sharks, have been spotted in the waters around Pingtung's CheCheng, which is only 20 kilometers away from the Kengting Nanwan Beach.

Beach-goers and swimmers should be on high alert in preventing possible shark attacks.

A four-meter-long bull shark, weighing 326 kilograms, was found in a fisherman's net on the waters of CheCheng. Fishermen say that a bull shark this size could easily kill a man.

Experts believe that the changing climate may have forced bull sharks to migrate south, and are warning visitors to Kengting and CheCheng who may be bleeding from cuts to go to ashore immediately. Sharks are extremely sensitive to blood, and small cuts could incite an attack.

Although this shark was dead when it was discovered by the fisherman, A-Feng, the continued presence of sharks so close to shore is worrying marine biologists. Another shark sighting occurred in May, when a similiar situation happened with a 167 kilogram bull shark.

If not for the net, the shark could have possibly ventured into Nanwan beach, which is heavily populated with swimmers. Those in the water should remember to keep an eye on their surroundings and be alert for signs of sharks.

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關鍵字Shark bull Shark Pingtung's CheCheng Nanwan Beach
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