
Cpr training for all ages
2010/07/11 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台中縣報導



A web page on the official site of Taichung County's Department of Health specifies that those who sign up for CPR trainings must be aged between 15 and 50. But a Taichung County resident in her fifties felt discrinimated against by this regulation. And the page was immediately removed after her protests.

A CPR cycle typically requires 30 compressions, which may be difficult for this 50 year old female volunteer. However, this woman says it is definitely not a problem and age should not be an issue. CPR is an emergency life-saving technique that Taichung County was promoting though one female over the age of 50 was prevented from registering for this course at Fengyuan Clinic because the website said that it was limited only to those between the ages of 15 to 50.

This led many to complain against age discrimination. Elderly people are typically the ones who need emergency care, and CPR can be the first course of action. Two years ago the Department of Health eliminated the restriction for those over the age of 50 who wish to learn CPR.

And due to complaints from the general public, Taichung County's Fengyuan Clinic has also taken down this website and has said that it now welcomes elderly people to study CPR.

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關鍵字official site Taichung County's department health specifies CPR training life-saving technique elderly people
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